A Proud and Historic Day for VAREP
November 11, 2014
Tuesday, November 11th was not only Veteran’s Day but a historic day for the Phoenix Chapter of VAREP. We gave away a mortgage-free home (the first ever for VAREP) to a deserving disabled Military Veteran.
“A year and a half ago I was introduced to what would become one of the most rewarding alliances I’ve ever had the honor to be involved with. VAREP, Veterans Association of Real Estate Professionals is a nationwide non-profit dedicated to housing and employing Veterans, and educating the real estate industry to better serve Military Members and Veterans. As President of the Phoenix Chapter I am very excited to announce that this Veteran’s Day we gave away our first home, mortgage-free to a deserving, disabled Veteran. The home has been rehabbed from floors to roof, appliances to fixtures, and we’re finally had the opportunity to turn over the keys!
Until this morning Michael Shaun Grogan was unaware that by the end of this Veteran’s Day he would be a home owner. Shaun, a retired USAF Sr. Airman and father of two, is currently receiving treatment for a service related injury, and continuing his education.
Sr. Airman Grogan, Shaun, enlisted in the Air Force in October, 2006. Shaun was trained as a Structural Journeyman (AFSC 3E351) under the provisions of the 366th Training Squadron, Sheppard Air Force Base, Texas.
In early 2007, while serving his country under PCS (Permeant Change of Station) Orders to Spangdahlem Air Base in Germany, Shaun deployed with the 819 Red Horse Civil Engineering Squadron to Bagram Afghanistan in 2008. He received his second deployment orders to return to Bagram Afghanistan from Fall of 2010 to Spring of 2011. Bagram has routinely been besieged by mortar and rocket attacks by the Taliban and insurgents. While serving his second tour in Bagram Afghanistan, Shaun suffered a service connected back injury. He underwent corrective surgery with a moderately questionable outcome. Shaun has also been diagnosed with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), as a result of multiple deployments to Bagram Afghanistan, an Air Base that suffered a constant barrage of of attacks. These days, Shaun receives supportive and therapeutic care for his PTSD and in July 2014 was recently joined by Randy, his assisted-living companion dog. The two are now inseparable. On 31 January 2014, A1C Michael Shaun Grogan was honorably retired from the United States Air Force.
We wish to thank all of the generous contractors who contributed time and materials, and VAREP members who enthusiastically lent their support. We do still have a few outstanding expenses. If you would like help there is a web page listing all remaining expenditures and their purpose, each with a button for donation. As little as $10 would be enormously helpful and greatly appreciated.
Other sites you may find helpful:
AZVHV – Veterans Helping Veterans – www.azvhv.wordpress.com – Discounts and Referrals for Veteran & Military Home Buyers and Sellers.
Heroes Home Advantage – www.cashbackforheroes.wordpress.com – Cash Back Program for Police Officers and First Responders, Firefighters and EMTs, Nurses and other Medical Professionals, Veterans and Military Members, and Teachers! Check the web site or give me a call to find out if you qualify: 602-999-0952